Flagpole Jitters

Flagpole Jitters is the 169th short subject starring American slapstick comedy team the Three Stooges. The trio made a total of 190 shorts for Columbia Pictures between 1934 and 1959.

While the audience watches the Stooges dance on an overhead flagpole, Svengarlics henchmen are in the process of robbing a bank. But a distracted bicyclist knocks Svengarlic over and the Stooges are abruptly awakened. They immediately panic when they see where they are, then the flagpole breaks, sending them flying through the open window of the bank being robbed, thwarting the theft.Flagpole Jitters is a reworking of 1949s Hokus Pokus using ample stock footage from the original. The films have different endings Mary is actually paraplegic here, whereas in the original she was a fraud. In Flagpole Jitters, Svengarlic is the fraud. ........

Source: Wikipedia